Stockcar and SuperStock teams champs
Woodford Glen Speedway


Event R05       8 Laps   
Page 1           Issue 1
Start Sat Nov 17   19:55
Elapsed Time        3:02
Pos Car  Driver                   Competitor/Team                Vehicle              Cap   CL Laps     Race.Time Fastest...Lap

1    4C  Braydon Lennonn          Braydon Lennonn                                                 8     3:02.5953   8 0:21.9859 
2   18C  Sarah Bellis             Sarah Bellis                                                    8     3:03.2210   8 0:22.0722 
3   23C  Paul Archbold            Paul Archbold                                                   8     3:03.6289   7 0:21.9552*
4   34C  Caleb West               Caleb West                                                      8     3:06.7293   5 0:22.2904 
5   88C  Liam Macmillan           Liam Macmillan                                                  8     3:08.3619   4 0:22.5569 
6   17C  Scott Bright             Scott Bright                                                    8     3:08.3839   6 0:22.2883 
7   14C  Chris Dempsey            Chris Dempsey                                                   8     3:09.7744   8 0:22.6691 
8   181  Shi Robb                 Shi Robb                                                        8     3:10.1309   5 0:22.6428 
9   93C  Carlos Inns              Carlos Inns                                                     8     3:14.3301   5 0:23.3916 
10  72C  Jamie Booth              Jamie Booth                                                     8     3:16.9138   6 0:23.1408 
11  44C  Oliver Sutton            Oliver Sutton                                                   8     3:18.1517   6 0:23.7610 
12   9C  Patrice Garrick          Patrice Garrick                                                 8     3:18.7292   6 0:23.6366 
13  62C  Ben Porter               Ben Porter                                                      8     3:25.4093   7 0:23.2702 

Fastest Lap Av.Speed Is 71kph, Race Av.Speed Is 68kph
Current Race Lap Record Is 0:20.8240 Set On 18/11/2017 By Emma Burnip
R=under lap record by greatest margin, r=under lap record, *=fastest lap time
Issue# 1 - Printed Sat Nov 17 20:11:00 2018     Timing System By NATSOFT (03)63431311 & Dorian DATA-1
                                                                    Posted:                               Referee: Graham Cairns

NATSOFT Race Result

Stockcar and SuperStock teams champs
Woodford Glen Speedway



Event R05       8 Laps   
Page 1           Issue 1
Start Sat Nov 17   19:55
Elapsed Time        3:02
                                    1         2         3         4         5         6         7         8         9        10 

 4C Braydon Lennonn         0:26.7097 0:22.7167 0:22.1354 0:22.1009 0:22.5199 0:22.4262 0:22.0006 0:21.9859 
18C Sarah Bellis            0:26.6661 0:23.0603 0:22.6709 0:22.4607 0:22.0839 0:22.1283 0:22.0786 0:22.0722 
23C Paul Archbold           0:27.1572 0:22.8327 0:22.6270 0:22.7168 0:22.1701 0:22.1710 0:21.9552 0:21.9989 
34C Caleb West              0:27.9015 0:22.7692 0:22.7506 0:22.9774 0:22.2904 0:22.6500 0:22.6581 0:22.7321 
88C Liam Macmillan          0:28.8501 0:23.2653 0:22.8238 0:22.5569 0:22.5991 0:22.6428 0:22.7065 0:22.9174 
17C Scott Bright            0:28.6417 0:22.9131 0:22.5562 0:22.6026 0:22.2967 0:22.2883 0:23.9131 0:23.1722 
14C Chris Dempsey           0:29.3347 0:23.6969 0:22.9479 0:22.8751 0:22.7360 0:22.8185 0:22.6962 0:22.6691 
181 Shi Robb                0:29.1612 0:23.5175 0:23.1345 0:22.8987 0:22.6428 0:22.8600 0:22.7202 0:23.1960 
93C Carlos Inns             0:28.6359 0:24.5015 0:23.7519 0:23.5923 0:23.3916 0:23.5823 0:23.4593 0:23.4153 
72C Jamie Booth             0:29.0825 0:24.5182 0:23.9260 0:23.4096 0:23.6046 0:23.1408 0:24.0753 0:25.1568 
44C Oliver Sutton           0:30.1029 0:24.3314 0:24.2043 0:23.8153 0:24.0793 0:23.7610 0:23.9789 0:23.8786 
 9C Patrice Garrick         0:29.6458 0:24.5138 0:24.2087 0:24.1183 0:23.7984 0:23.6366 0:24.5616 0:24.2460 
62C Ben Porter              0:29.1955 0:24.4841 0:23.9388 0:23.5013 0:23.7763 0:23.3251 0:23.2702 0:33.9180 

underline=fastest lap time
Issue# 1 - Printed Sat Nov 17 20:11:00 2018     Timing System By NATSOFT (03)63431311 & Dorian DATA-1
                                                                    Posted:                               Referee: Graham Cairns

NATSOFT Race Result

Stockcar and SuperStock teams champs
Woodford Glen Speedway



Event R05       8 Laps   
Page 1           Issue 1
Start Sat Nov 17   19:55
Elapsed Time        3:02
      1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8 

1   18C  4C  4C  4C  4C  4C  4C  4C 
2    4C 18C 18C 18C 18C 18C 18C 18C 
3   23C 23C 23C 23C 23C 23C 23C 23C 
4   34C 34C 34C 34C 34C 17C 34C 34C 
5   93C 17C 17C 17C 17C 34C 17C 88C 
6   17C 88C 88C 88C 88C 88C 88C 17C 
7   88C 181 181 181 181 181 181 14C 
8   72C 14C 14C 14C 14C 14C 14C 181 
9   181 93C 93C 93C 93C 93C 93C 93C 
10  62C 72C 72C 72C 72C 72C 62C 72C 
11  14C 62C 62C 62C 62C 62C 72C 44C 
12   9C  9C  9C 44C  9C  9C 44C  9C 
13  44C 44C 44C  9C 44C 44C  9C 62C 
Issue# 1 - Printed Sat Nov 17 20:11:00 2018     Timing System By NATSOFT (03)63431311 & Dorian DATA-1
                                                                    Posted:                               Referee: Graham Cairns